The Club of Madrid was launched following the Conference on Democratic Transition and Consolidation (CDTC), held in Madrid, Spain, in October 2001. At that unprecedented gathering, 35 heads of state and government from Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa met with more than 100 of the world's most respected scholars and policy experts to discuss the problems of building democracy from both a theoretical and practical point of view.
The CDTC looked at eight core issues, including constitutional design, the legislature and its relations with the executive, the judiciary and its relations with the executive, anti-corruption measures, the role of armed forces and security forces, reform of the state bureaucracy, strengthening of political and social pluralism and of political parties, and economic and social conditions. In four days of intensive discussion between the leaders and experts, the two groups were able to identify areas of agreement and disagreement, and formulate practical recommendations for strengthening democracy around the world. For more on the CDTC, go here.
The Club of Madrid's primary asset is its membership, which includes over 110 distinguished former heads of state and government of democratic nations. The Club of Madrid seeks to leverage the first-hand experience of its members to assist countries with critical elements of their democratic transition or consolidation. A distinguished group of scholars, former policy makers and political leaders provides additional advice and assistance on a wide range of issues.
Structure & Organization
Membership in the Club de Madrid is offered to respected former Heads of State and Government of democratic countries who contribute their personal experience and knowledge. Appointment to the Club of Madrid is proposed by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly.
One of the Club's major assets is the ability of its members to offer peer-to-peer advice and counselling to current leaders struggling to build or consolidate democracy.
The members of the Club de Madrid can also help focus much needed international attention on targeted countries and leverage the work of other institutions trying to promote democracy.
The Club's members are supported by a network of world-class experts who work together to assist countries and offer assistance on a range of democratic reform issues.
The Club de Madrid is a non profit organization. Our Members offer their experience, time and gravitas pro bono. All grants, donations and sponsorships are destined to support our projects and operating costs.
As a “public-interest” organization, transparency and accountability are an essential part of the organization’s ethos. The Club de Madrid undergoes annual external auditing of its accounts, as well as specific audits for grants when so required by the donors. Our accounts are public and are available here .
We also count with the support of Club of Madrid Foundation Inc. (USA) which is an independent non-profit organization registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization, which makes the donations it receives deductible from the personal and corporate income tax for US based individuals and legal entities.